Requirements for an event platform

Find out what requirements an event platform needs to make your event a complete success in the future.

Recent years have shown that you should be prepared for anything and invest in future-proof technologies. With an event platform that supports event types such as live, hybrid or virtual, you will best achieve your long-term goals. So you’re sure that the event platform you choose will support you now and in the future, no matter how the event industry evolves.

But what requirements should such an event platform fulfill? In the following article we have some facts which will help you to choose the right platform.

Special streaming CDN of the platform

What does CDN stand for anyway? CDN stands for Content Delivery Network and means nothing more than a network of several servers in different data centers. This makes it possible to ensure optimal data throughput at the recipient’s end while enabling worldwide distribution. To ensure that a video stream can also be received in China, it is advantageous if the provider of the event platform optionally offers a China cache. Since a CDN offers a redundant backup system, any server failures are not even noticed.

Reliability and flexibility of an event platform

The event platform should have a system that is as flexible as possible so that event organizers can adjust and configure settings via a content management system (CMS) even in live operation. It should also be possible to integrate corresponding tools, such as registration systems or video conferencing providers for breakouts or smaller side events. Hybrid events also often ask: Where and how is the event platform accessed? It is best when the event platform is multi-device enabled. This means that your participants can use the platform just as easily via a web browser as via native apps for Apple and Android. This has the advantage that your participants can, for example, watch the live stream for the web app and interact with others via a native app.

Offer additional functions of an event platform

A large virtual event, which is aimed at participants from all over the world, has different requirements for an event platform than a small live event, which is only aimed at a regional specialist audience. Thus, a number of individual requirementsarise for the event platform, such as:

    • Multilingualism of the agenda and live streams
    • Booking options for participants during parallel streams and breakout sessions
    • Coordination of different groups of people with different visibilities
    • Include documents
    • Realization of surveys and Q&A sessions
    • Interaction options such as matchmaking and quizzes

Polario offers a variety of features, which can be activated by the organizer or by our support team by simply pressing a button in the CMS.

Branding opportunities of an event platform

Every company or brand is unique in its own way. In order for users to feel a sense of recognition as soon as they open the event platform, an event platform should be adaptable to the respective corporate design of a company or brand – from the classic incorporation of all branding elements to the adaptation of the architecture and its color scheme. Likewise, the design of the event platform should allow for a style guide compliant design.

Analysis options and data security of the platform

To measure the success of an event, many event managers now use real-time and post-event analytics. Thus, appropriate improvements can be made for the next event. Therefore, it is important to enable the collection of user data via an event platform. Since data protection and data security also play an increasingly important role among users, it is important that such data is collected in a DSGVO-compliant manner. It doesn’t matter whether the event is live, hybrid or virtual. In addition, there are often industry-specific compliance, area-specific concepts as well as regulations. For example, pharma companies often require a detailed evaluation of who has been following the stream and for how long in order to provide the appropriate medical board certification points. Because pharmaceutical companies serve physicians with their events.

Pricing models and customer service

When using such a platform, thepricing model should be as flexible as possible, as it grows with the requirements on the one hand, and on the other hand allows one to act in a budget-friendly manner. With our solution we offer you the pure use of the event platform as well as an individual service on top. This ranges from project management to content integration and event support. Furthermore, our costs vary depending on the number of participants and the scope of functions.

Sustainability aspect

The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in society, which is why event participants are also paying more and more attention to how event organizers contribute to sustainability. A first step towards sustainability would be the use of an event platform. For example, this eliminates the need to print flyers, which in turn saves energy and paper. It is also best to look for providers that offer sustainable event platforms.

Want to learn more about how to make your events sustainable? Then read our article “Tips for sustainable events”.

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