Customer community platforms and their advantages

Customer community platforms are becoming more and more popular with companies. Find out what advantages such a platform offers you.

Customer community platforms are becoming increasingly common – whether B2B, B2C or C2C. The pandemic and the resulting stop of exhibitions and events for lead generation as well as the decline of personal contacts had momentous effects on sales.

Much of this was then compensated digitally. Companies switched to formats such as virtual exhibitions or events. This meant that customers could continue to be informed about new topics or products and new leads could be generated at the same time.

Even though exhibitions and events are now being held in person again and personal contacts are possible, many companies are thinking about how the digital path they have taken can be expanded further. In this context, one repeatedly encounters terms such as metaverse or digital customer communities. The topic of metaverse is very pointedly positioned and so far still in its infancy. Digital customer communities, on the other hand, are more common.

But what are the benefits of such customer community platforms? We have summarized these for you in this article.

Advantages of a customer community platform

Customer community platforms or extranets are quickly introduced thanks to modular SaaS solutions. On the one hand you get a lot of IT for little money and on the other hand you don’t need any programming skills to provide your customers with an individual platform.

The SaaS approach means that the platform is offered as a native app for iOS and Android as well as a web app. In this way, you can quickly and easily reach all your customers, who can access information or contact you from anywhere and at any time.

The multi-channel approach also leads to maximum reach. After all, communication takes place where your users are. Nevertheless, the interaction takes place on a common platform.

Many customer community platform providers:inside offer you a comprehensive feature set. This makes it easier for you to provide information to your customers and to exchange information with you or with each other. It is also an easy way to collect valuable feedback. For example, with features such as news, social feed, forms or directories, a direct and effective customer communication can be realized.

The connection of third-party tools, such as Microsoft 365 or customer-specific applications, is also possible. Thus, you can easily connect internal systems to your platform.

Our SaaS solution Polario further offers you the advantage that your customer events and customer communication are mapped in a single app. In our content management system it is possible to create multiple projects, which means that the projects can be accessed via an app in the end.

Get important details from the plazz AG Success Team and gain insight into the technical and product-specific possibilities that Polario offers you for this purpose. Among other things, we go into possible functions and features and show you technical connection options for interfaces to internal systems.

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