New functions in the calendar
With the new version from update 2.1 speakers can be linked directly. This means that in the content management system it is possible to link directory entries, such as people, with a calendar entry. As an app user, you can go from the calendar entry to the speaker profile and back.
In addition, it is now possible to add tags to calendar entries. The logic and behavior are similar to the directory. Thus, calendar entries can be categorized in the future. The speakers as well as the tags and the locations are additionally made available as filters in the calendar. So you can filter by categories or by deposited speakers in the future. In addition to the filter, the tags and the speakers, update 2.1 allows you to switch from a day view to a list view of the calendar. This allows the user to see not only the events of the current day, but also all future and past events in one overview.
Autonomous import of persons
With Update 2.1, it is possible to import persons independently in the account management. In several steps you upload an Excel file, assign the columns to the data fields of Polario, check data for consistency as well as errors and then import them into the system.
Standard person directory
As of update 2.1, a default person directory is created immediately when a project is created in the CMS, which includes all persons who have access to the project. Thus, we can always ensure that there is a profile for the person in the app.
The directory can be customized at any time, for example to hide required data fields. So if you create a calendar entry in a new project in the future, you will immediately find a person profile that can be linked, instead of having to build a directory for it first. The default directory will also be used in the future to open a profile from the chat when you click on the picture of the person in the chat.
Formal and informal localizations
As announced in Update 2.0, it is now possible to configure the German localization formally and informally.
Bug Fixes
- iOS
- Android
- Web
- Page // No translation “Admin Area” in Preview container
- App menu // Changed name not reflecting on App menu
- Directory widget // Select entries not possible
- The long location name is breaking the UI of ‘location’ field and isn’t fitting in Calendar Entry detail
- Forms // Configuration // Email dispatch field should have checking the correctness of email
- Notification // Can’t save activated “Read receipt” setting
- Multiline Tags are not working on older os version
- Floating action button overlapping content
- Gallery item in directory breaks the layout
- Links that appear multiple times in the same label are not clickable
- Wrong colors on loading the app
- File cannot be uploaded
- Directories are not visible
- Multi publish news aren’t showing
- OOM when scrolling on page with multiple videos
- Social Feeds Moderator can’t delete social the members comment
- Key is missing in Calendar
- News list widget should reflect the most recently published news
- News slider navigator is not updating correctly on navigating back from news list to news widget
- ‘Zur Ubersicht’ button should not show unless number of directory entries are more then the number selected on CMS
- Fix bottom padding of card in calendar entry
- ‘Channel Bot’ is showing in users list while creating a chat/channel
- Chat/Channel title can’t be changed
- Refactor ChannelMessageFetcher
- Resize with logo with bigger resolution to fit-in login page
- Setting the background colour and contrast to while is makes the menu items list invisible for a while
- Trying to register push even when Sendbird isn’t initialized
- Notification center // Mark all as read
- Title from downloaded files
- Login-Buttons are disabled on startup
- Hide message status in channels
- Projects are not displayed correctly in global search
- Icons in Menu header aren’t shown when in sub-menu folders
- Hide directory items without title
- Activated switches use the wrong track color
- Wrong localizations in dialogue which appears on editing and adding images to directory entry
- Missing amount limit when uploading images in directory entry
- Remove extra spacing within content of news/pages
- Add padding between icon and text in icon text page/news element
- Tag filter disappears in sidebar after searching
- Branding displayed in sitemap feature
- Uniform hint boxes in profile
- Fix sorting for news widget
- Design update for links on pages/news
- Fix for background image on pages
- Rework page header to look like other headers
- Add correct color to one of the directory empty state
- Push configuration not working correctly
- Fix for directory widgets not showing
- Desktop view isn’t showing