Employer Branding – Build a strong employer brand

Why should I do employer branding? A tool to increase company success and employer value proposition.

Today’s competitive business environment makes it more important than ever for companies to position themselves as attractive employers. With the increasing scarcity of qualified talent and the growing importance of employee retention and satisfaction, employer branding has become a critical factor for business success. A recent study by StepStone shows that German companies are facing challenges. 32% of all German employers expect it to become more difficult to find new employees in the next twelve months.

But what exactly is employer branding? How is it different from HR marketing and recruiting? How can a company build a strong employer brand and what are the requirements for a successful establishment of an employer brand? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide a detailed guide to developing a strong employer brand.

Definition: What is employer branding?

Employer branding refers to the strategic process by which companies build a unique employer brand to communicate their attractiveness as an employer to current and potential employees. It is about shaping and promoting the company’s image and reputation as an employer. A strong employer brand helps differentiate the company from other employers and attract talent that fits the company’s culture and goals.

What are the differences between employer branding, HR marketing & recruiting?

Employer branding, personnel marketing and recruiting are three important concepts in personnel recruitment and development. Although often used interchangeably, they have different meanings and functions. Here are the main differences between these three concepts:

Employer branding

Employer branding is a strategic process aimed at improving a company’s perception and image as an employer. It’s about creating and communicating a unique employer brand that reflects the company’s culture, values and benefits.

Human Resources Marketing

Recruitment marketing is a tactical approach aimed at attracting and recruiting qualified candidates. It includes various activities such as job ads, career fairs, social media recruiting and more.


Recruiting is the process of identifying, attracting and selecting suitable candidates for a position. It includes various steps such as defining job requirements, searching for candidates, interviews, selection process and finally hiring.

Internal vs. external employer branding: What are the differences?

Internal employer branding refers to a company’s efforts to strengthen its employer brand among current employees. It’s about creating a positive and inclusive work culture, increasing employee retention and satisfaction, and ultimately improving employee performance. Internal employer branding can be achieved through various activities such as employee recognition, team building events, internal communications and more.

Characteristics of internal employer branding:

    • Building a positive corporate culture
    • Employee development and training
    • Employee Reward and Recognition

External employer branding, on the other hand, refers to a company’s efforts to create and communicate its employer brand that attracts potential candidates. This can be achieved through various activities such as employer branding campaigns, career pages, social media recruiting and more.

Characteristics of external employer branding:

    • Communicate employer brand
    • Targeted addressing of target groups
    • Reputation Management
    • Community engagement

Employer Value Proposition

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is a key component of employer branding to position the company as an employer of choice. It is the unique offer that a company provides to its employees. The EVP covers various aspects such as compensation and benefits, career development opportunities, work culture, work environment and more.

A strong EVP can help attract and retain qualified talent, increase employee satisfaction and retention, and ultimately improve business performance. It is important that the EVP is authentic, unique and reflects the real values and benefits of the company.

The path to an employer brand

The process of creating a strong employer brand is not a one-time result, but a continuous effort. It can be divided into four main phases:

Analysis Phase

The analysis phase is the first step on the way to creating a strong employer brand. In this phase, you as a company conduct an internal and external analysis to gain a clear understanding of your employer brand, target groups and the job market.

Internal analysis includes examining the current employer brand, company culture, employee satisfaction and retention, and more. It is about identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the current employer brand.

The external analysis includes the study of the labor market, competition, target audience and more. It is about understanding the requirements, expectations and preferences of the target group and analyzing the employer brands of the competition.

Strategy Phase

The results of the analysis phase serve as the basis for defining the employer value proposition and developing an employer branding strategy. It is important that the employer brand includes not only professional attributes, but also social elements of the corporate culture. The concept developed should not only be cultivated as an image, but should also be lived out in the company’s day-to-day operations.

Implementation Phase

The communication concept developed for the employer brand from the strategy phase is implemented both externally to potential employees and internally within the company. Choosing the right media mix and distribution method depends on the target audiences and the message to be conveyed. Especially in HR, communication via social networks plays an important role. The platforms should therefore aim to reach the target group in the best possible way.

Evaluation Phase

The evaluation phase is crucial to ensure that the measures achieve the defined goals. Evaluation here should take place at both the strategic and implementation levels. It is important to verify that the chosen strategy and EVP appeal to the target audience. An employer brand is constantly evolving, which is why strategies and measures should be regularly scrutinized. In this way, the spirit of the times and future challenges are taken into account. Continuous employer brand development is critical to remaining successful.

Requirements for the successful establishment of an employer brand

7 channels and tools for successful employer branding

  • Company website and career page

    These are often the first contact potential candidates have with your employer brand. Therefore, they should contain information about your corporate culture, values, benefits, and job openings, as well as convey a positive and inviting image of your company.

  • Social Media

    Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be super used to communicate the employer brand and connect with potential candidates. Share posts about company news, employee stories, events and more.

  • Job fairs and recruiting events

    Job fairs and recruiting events offer another way to showcase your employer brand and attract qualified talent. You can communicate your employer brand through job postings, company profiles, and personal interactions with candidates.

  • Employee testimonials and testimonials

    Deliver an authentic and compelling representation of your employer brand with employee stories. You can share these on the company website, social media, videos and other channels.

  • Employer Branding Videos

    As we know, videos are an effective medium for communicating information in many ways - including employer branding. Present company culture, work environment, employee stories and more in an engaging and visual way.

  • Content Marketing

    Blog posts, white papers, infographics and more can also be used to communicate the employer brand. This way you increase the awareness and interest of the candidates.

  • Mobile Apps

    A customized mobile app provides an accessible, user-friendly and interactive platform to strengthen the employer brand. You can provide personalized content and notifications, offer interactive features and a direct channel for communication and feedback between you and potential candidates.


Employer branding is a strategic and continuous effort aimed at positioning a company as an attractive employer. The journey to creating a strong employer brand is not a one-time event, but an ongoing effort that requires a strong corporate culture, a clear vision and mission, a unique employer value proposition, an effective communications strategy, and the commitment and support of managers and employees.

Selecting the right channels and tools is crucial to the success of your employer branding strategy. Whether it’s your company website, social media, job boards, employee testimonials, videos, content marketing or a custom mobile app, each of these tools can help effectively communicate and strengthen your employer brand.

With the right strategy and implementation, employer branding can help position a company as an attractive employer, attract and retain qualified talent, increase employee satisfaction and retention, and ultimately improve business performance.

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