plazz AG is climate neutral!

plazz AG offsets its CO2 emissions with climate protection projects of clean drinking water as well as marine protection and becomes climate neutral.

In order to label a company, product or service as climate neutral, the CO2 emission is calculated and on this basis a climate protection strategy for reduction and finally implementation is designed. This is the path that plazz AG has taken together with ClimatePartner and can now call itself climate-neutral in the period from 06/2022 to 05/2023.

Essential for nature and people

The climate is essential for the development of nature and the life of people. Climate influences the social and economic behavior of people at all times. Even small changes in the highly complex structure of the climate system lead to effects on the entire system. Significant changes in climate have been more pronounced in recent decades than in earlier years. The reason for this is greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2).

CO2 is mainly released by burning fossil fuels to generate electricity, to supply heat in buildings, in industry or in transport. Continuously, CO2 emissions have increased, which in turn causes the global average temperature to rise.

Climate warming has far-reaching and profound consequences, such as melting sea ice, rising global sea levels, receding glacial ice, destabilizing permafrost, acidifying oceans, and increasing extreme weather events.

Climate change cannot be reversed

The sheer amount of greenhouse gases already being emitted is causing further warming of the global climate. However, it is still possible to slow climate change and thus limit its impact on people and the environment. plazz AG would like to make a contribution to climate protection. For this purpose, the company’s CO2 emissions were calculatedtogether with ClimatePartner in order to design a climate protection strategy. When the strategy is implemented, CO2 emissions are to be reduced and offset with climate protection projects. This is how a company becomes climate neutral.

Create CO2 balance

The basis for climate protection measures is usually the calculation of the company’s carbon footprint. The so-called corporate carbon footprint provides an overview of how CO2 emissions are generated and how high they are. ClimatePartner thus determined the direct emissions, e.g. in connection with the company’s vehicle fleet, the indirect emissions, e.g. from electricity consumption in the building, and all indirect emissions that occur along the entire value chain, e.g. logistics, business travel, employee commuting and more.

Reduction and compensation

No matter how much CO2 emission is reduced, a certain amount of residual emission is always caused. This can be offset by supporting a recognized climate protection project. plazz AG supports two climate protection projects.

The first project is access to clean drinking water in Kono, Sierra Leone. The majority of the population in Sierra Leone is not supplied with clean drinking water and has to walk to distant water points. Before it can be used, the water must first be boiled. For this, many families have no other option than to boil the water with the simplest means onan open fire. This results in CO2 emissions. The climate protection project therefore supports the communities in the Kono region in recommissioning 57 wells. Damaged wells are repaired and regularly maintained. The availability of clean drinking water eliminates the need to boil water. This saves an average of 10,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

The second project supported by plazz AG is to stop the plastic flood and thus protect the oceans. The ocean is the major brake on climate change. It stores a quarter of the CO2 from the atmosphere and 93% of the heat from the greenhouse effect. However, over 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean every year. As a result, and due to warming and overfishing, the balancing functions are threatened. The climate protection project ensures that less plastic ends up in the sea. Instead, it is recycled and processed into so-called social plastic. This in turn serves as raw material for new products, e.g. for packaging.

Climate-neutral company - the highest level in climate protection

Anyone who uses the services of a climate-neutral company is making a concrete contribution to climate protection. The label of ClimatePartner guarantees the climate neutrality of plazz AG. All CO2 emissions were calculated and offset via recognized climate protection projects. In total, an annual CO2 emission of 78,150kg was calculated at plazz AG.

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