The new event & community platform

Polario is here! The new event & community platform of plazz AG. As usual in a modular system, with maximum flexibility!

The future is now, Polario is here! With our new event & community platform we help you to inform people easily and comprehensively, to share moments and experiences impressively as well as to create and sustain connections.

We worked on Polario for a long time. Ideas were collected and concepts developed together. Some of them were also discarded. The result is the solid foundation of our event & community platform, consisting of future-proof technologies and flexible modules. The new milestone of plazz AG – Polario!

What is Polario?

Polario is the all-in-one platform for events and communities! Due to its outstanding flexibility, Polario is able to digitize events, to optimize teamworkon-site and remotely, and to map many other use cases in an uncomplicated and appealing way. Polario is available in two editions – Polario Events and Polario Campus. There, a distinction is made between individually scheduled and long-term ongoing projects.

Furthermore, your projects can be realized not only live, but also virtually and hybrid. Due to the underlying technical architecture, our platform is available as a native app for iOS and Android, as well as a browser-based web app.

The creation of Polario

There were multiple reasons that led to the development of Polario. Even though the Mobile Event App, the predecessor to Polario, served us well for many years, the signs of the fast-paced tech industry have become visible.

With a new flexible architecture and up-to-date technologies, we give Polario the best chance to become a long-lasting and versatile event and community platform. Coupled with a modern design and appealing visual elements, we enable project managers as well as participants to have an intuitive user interface and a well thought-out user experience.

What distinguishes Polario?

Polario is new and old at the same time. What is meant by this? One example is the internalization of elements, processes and systems that already worked well in the MEA. Such concepts are then merged with the new technical basis and modernized. In addition to this refresh, the user interface is given a new coat of paint and the user experience is optimized. With this, we build on the successes of MEA, but in combination with a robust & technically flexible foundation.

In addition, new content and featureswill be added. This step is not only desired, but also necessary to meet the requirements of the modern and fast moving technology industry. With these sophisticated concepts, our plan is not only to meet expectations, but to exceed them.

All this is rounded off with Software as a Service+. The previous plazz AG service scope includes project management, content support and much more. With Software as a Service+, we are building on this structure, setting new standards for SaaS solutions, and making the potential of digitalization tangible for everyone.

What advantages does Polario offer?

Our event and community platform is an all-rounder with an unmatched degree of flexibility. The ease of use of the modular structure, allows a variable degree of complexity, which is 100% controlled by you.

Polario Events

According to its name, an event & community platform must naturally offer certain advantages for the specific usage scenarios. With Polario Events you organize and hold impressive events. Pick up your participants digitally and involve them in your event regardless of their location. Whether from home, in the office or on the road.

Polario Events is your digital companion, informing attendees and interactively involving them in your event. The whole thing is done live, virtually or hybrid to guarantee you and your guests a maximum degree of flexibility.

Polario Events is suitable for a wide range of events. A few of them are:

Polario Campus

Use Polario Campus to connect people and create lasting value. A great example is to turn a single event into a community platform for the long term. Polario helps you build and maintain awareness of digital community. At the same time, it supports joint coordination & exchange.

This is a particularly important added value for team projects or the general daily exchange among each other. Thus, you can enrich the direct collaboration, for example, by involving remote connections or realize joint projects completely virtually.

A few examples of use for Polario Campus are:

Employee App for

The way forward

We have big plans for Polario and are excited about the response from our customers and partners. We will continuously report on our progress with Polario and look forward to receiving feedback and ideas on our ambitious event & community platform.

Stay up to date! Subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on social media or read our blog posts.

Our team of detail-oriented designers, passionate developers and dedicated sales & customer support staff will do everything in their power to make Polario a complete success. To make this a reality, we want you to become our customer.

So contact us and learn more about Polario or get a quote right away!

Follow us on social media to stay informed.
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact us!

More Info

About plazz AG
About Mobile Event App

Contact Details

T: +49 (0) 89 26 20 43 469