Social intranet: Definition, Advantages & more

Increase efficiency and teamwork! Find out how a social intranet can take your internal communication to the next level.
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Companies today are faced with the challenge of making internal communication more efficient and collaborative. One solution that is becoming increasingly popular is the social intranet. This platform not only facilitates the exchange of information, but also promotes collaboration between employees in a completely new way.

But what exactly is a social intranet, and what functions and benefits does it offer? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know to fully utilise the potential of a social intranet for your company.

Definition: What is a social intranet?

A social intranet is a digital platform that has been specially developed for internal communication and collaboration within a company. Unlike the classic intranet, which primarily serves as a pure source of information, a social intranet enables employees to actively interact with each other. Teams can work together on projects, exchange ideas and support each other with challenges. The social aspect and collaborative digital cooperation take centre stage and make the social intranet a valuable tool for modern companies.

Classic intranet vs. social intranet: What are the significant differences?

In most companies, a classic intranet is a central platform for the provision of information and resources. It serves as a digital library where employees have access to company guidelines, manuals, forms and other important documents. Communication here usually takes place in a top-down structure, i.e. information is passed on from the management level to the workforce. Opportunities for interaction and co-determination by employees are often limited in a traditional intranet.

In contrast, a social intranet emphasises interaction and collaboration. It promotes bottom-up and side-to-side communication and offers numerous functions for digital collaboration. These include chats, groups and channels in which employees can share ideas, take part in discussions and work together on projects. A social intranet supports the active participation of all employees, which leads to a more dynamic and efficient way of working.

Classic intranet Social Intranet
Focus on information distribution & document management
Focus on communication, collaboration, knowledge transfer & interaction
Top-down communication
Bottom-Up & Side-to-Side Communication
Limited participation, hierarchical structure
Active participation, dynamic community
Usually IT employees responsible for content
All employees in the company responsible for content
Usually functional, less interactive
Interactive design, intuitive user interface & customization options

Advantages of the social intranet compared to the classic intranet

A social intranet offers numerous advantages over a traditional intranet, as it enables greater employee participation and more intensive collaboration. These advantages are crucial for the success of the company:

    • Improved internal communication and collaboration: Employees can exchange information in real time, which makes communication more efficient.
    • Faster decision-making: The quick and easy exchange of information means that decisions can be made more quickly.
    • Increased productivity and efficiency: teams can collaborate easily on projects, which significantly optimises workflows.
    • Improved employee commitment and greater satisfaction: More co-determination and interaction increase employee motivation and satisfaction.

Advantages and disadvantages of a social intranet


Improved internal communication

A social intranet enables fast and effective communication between employees, regardless of their location or hierarchy. Information can be shared easily, discussions can be held and feedback can be obtained directly.

Increased collaboration

With functions such as the joint editing of documents, project management tools and group chats, a social intranet promotes efficient collaboration within the company.

Knowledge management and expert identification

Employees can store their knowledge and expertise in profiles. This allows others to access this knowledge and identify experts more easily, which facilitates the transfer of knowledge within the company.

Increasing the level of engagement

A social intranet offers various opportunities for employee participation. Functions such as likes, comments and surveys increase engagement and promote a positive working atmosphere.

Central source of information

The social intranet serves as a central platform for company information, guidelines, resources and documents. Employees have quick and easy access to relevant information, which improves efficiency.


Acceptance and training needs

The introduction of a social intranet often requires training and change management to ensure that all employees understand and use the platform.

Data privacy and security

The protection of sensitive company data and personal information is particularly important when using a social intranet. Comprehensive security measures must be implemented.

Overwhelming information overload

If not managed properly, a social intranet can lead to a flood of information. It is important to establish clear structures and rules for publishing and categorizing content.

Limited control

Unlike a classic intranet, where only selected employees created and published content, a social intranet allows all employees to post and share content. This can lead to the dissemination of uncontrolled content that can damage the company.

Potential distraction

Despite the many benefits of the platform, excessive use by employees can lead to distraction, which could affect productivity.

It is important that each company individually evaluates and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of a social intranet to determine whether it meets the company’s specific requirements.

Goals of a social intranet

The implementation of a social intranet pursues clear strategic goals that aim to sustainably improve internal communication and collaboration in companies. The most important goals include:

Improvement of internal communication

A social intranet promotes the fast and direct exchange of information, which reduces misunderstandings and makes communication within the company more efficient.

Promoting collaboration

Through shared digital platforms and tools, a social intranet enables improved collaboration between teams and departments, regardless of location or department.

Increase transparency and knowledge transfer within the company

With a social intranet, information and knowledge can be stored centrally and made easily accessible, which increases transparency within the company and facilitates the transfer of knowledge.

Increase employee engagement

A social intranet offers a wide range of opportunities for participation, which increases employee commitment and motivation.

Building a strong corporate culture

By promoting open communication and active collaboration, a social intranet helps to develop and strengthen a positive and transparent corporate culture.

The most important functions of a social intranet

A social intranet offers a wide range of functions that facilitate both internal communication and collaboration within the company. In the following, some functions are explained in more detail:

Collaboration tools

A central platform that integrates various tools for collaboration and project work, including wikis, blogs, forums, chats and video conferencing. These tools facilitate exchange and collaboration between teams or departments, even if they are spread across different locations.

Personalized home page

Employees can create a personalised home page tailored to their specific needs and relevant information. It is possible to set up individual profiles, interests and skills so that colleagues with similar backgrounds and skills can be found and contacted more easily.

Information and document management

The platform serves as a central storage location for documents such as manuals, guidelines, contracts and other important company information. A search function enables employees to quickly find, share and collaborate on relevant documents, which significantly increases efficiency.

Employee feedback

An open feedback culture is promoted through functions such as surveys and evaluations. Sharing information about events, employee awards and other activities supports employee engagement and motivation.

Knowledge Management

The sharing of experience and knowledge by employees is actively supported, which promotes knowledge management within the company. Internal knowledge transfer is accelerated through the creation of expert lists and the ability to ask experts specific questions.

Internal communication via the social intranet

A key advantage of the social intranet is its function as a versatile communication platform. Employees can use the social intranet to exchange information efficiently and collaborate seamlessly.

Thanks to functions such as chats, channels, comments and groups, employees can communicate with each other and share ideas quickly and easily. These tools not only facilitate day-to-day communication, but also enable collaboration across different locations or in the home office. This strengthens the sense of community within the company, regardless of where employees are located.

The importance of real-time communication

Fast and effective communication is of great importance for companies, especially with remote work and decentralised teams. A social intranet enables real-time communication in which information can be passed on directly to all participants.

As a result, decisions can be made more quickly and processes accelerated, which promotes collaboration and productivity. The ability to send and receive messages in real time increases responsiveness and supports flexible workflows within the company.

Functions for successful internal communication

For successful internal communication on the social intranet, companies should rely on functions that support collaboration and the exchange of information. The most important functions include:

Chats for quick and uncomplicated consultations
Enable immediate communication between employees to make quick decisions.

Channels for discussions and exchanging ideas
Promote topic-specific exchange and improve collaboration in groups.

Comment functions for feedback and discussions on content
Facilitate direct feedback on documents and projects, which increases the quality of work.

Group functions for collaboration on projects
Provide specialised spaces where teams can work together on tasks and track progress.

8 steps to the optimal social intranet: How to choose the right one

Step 1: Inventory and needs analysis
Define the requirements and goals for the social intranet in your company. Consider which functions and features are necessary to organise internal communication and collaboration efficiently.

Step 2: Budget planning
Create a list of social intranet solutions that meet your requirements. Compare the functions and features of the providers and check whether they meet the needs of your company.

Step 3: Function and feature comparison
Make a list of the social intranet solutions that meet your requirements. Compare the functions and features of the different providers and see if they meet your needs.

Step 4: Security and data protection aspects
Make sure that the selected social intranet offers comprehensive security measures and complies with data protection guidelines. Check whether all internal security standards and compliance requirements are met.

Step 5: User-friendliness and training options
Test the user-friendliness of the solutions in question. Make sure that the system is intuitive to use and easily accessible to your employees. Find out about available training programmes and the provider’s support.

Step 6: Integration and scalability
Make sure that the solution can be seamlessly integrated into your existing IT infrastructure. Also make sure that the social intranet can be scaled as your company grows.

Step 7: References and testimonials
Read testimonials and customer references from companies that are already using the intranet solution. This will tell you more about the reliability and performance of the solution.

Step 8: Test phase and decision
Carry out a test phase with the best social intranet solutions. Involve employees from different departments and collect their feedback. Based on this information, make an informed decision and select the best solution for your company.

3 strategies to promote the use of your social intranet

In order for the social intranet to optimally promote collaboration and employee engagement, it is important to provide targeted support for its use. Here are three proven strategies to increase employee participation:


Make sure your employees know how to use the social intranet effectively and what features it has. Provide training and training materials to help them realize the full potential of the intranet.


Actively encourage your employees to use the new platform by communicating the added value and benefits to them. Organize training, workshops or info sessions to raise awareness of the platform. Also offer incentives such as rewards or recognition for active use and contribution to collaboration.


Gather regular feedback from employees to better understand their needs and wishes in relation to the social intranet. Use the feedback to continuously improve the platform and adapt it to the requirements of the users.

Measuring the impact of a social intranet

A social intranet offers many benefits for companies, but how can success be measured? There are several criteria that should be considered to measure impact.

Usage and engagement

Measuring usage rates and employee engagement is a key indicator of the success of the new platform. High usage and engagement rates show that it is actively used by employees and offers added value.

Key figures for the analysis are:

    • Number of registrations
    • Frequency of use
    • Sessions duration
    • Interactions with posts, comments and likes
Example of usage and engagement measurement
Information exchange and cooperation

A social intranet is designed to improve information sharing and collaboration within the company. To evaluate the effectiveness of collaboration, it is important to analyze the following metrics:

    • Number of shared information, documents and posts
    • Analysis of collaboration features such as collaborative editing of documents, team projects or discussion forums
Employee feedback

The opinion of employees is a valuable indicator of the success of a social intranet. Surveys, feedback forms or regular discussions with employees can be used to find out how they perceive the platform, what benefits it offers and where there is potential for improvement.

Knowledge Management

The implemented intranet solution also serves as a platform for knowledge management. For this reason, it makes sense to also measure the contribution to organizing and sharing knowledge.

Important KPIs for this are:

    • Number of knowledge articles created and shared
    • Number of accesses to knowledge resources
    • Evaluation of the quality of the knowledge provided
Business impact

A successful social intranet should also have a positive impact on the company’s business goals. This can be measured, for example, through the analyses of KPIs such as the improvement of internal communication, the efficiency of work processes, employee retention or increased productivity.


A social intranet offers companies and employees numerous advantages. It improves internal communication, promotes collaboration, increases efficiency and facilitates access to important information. Despite these benefits, companies must also consider potential challenges such as data protection and security risks.

It is therefore important to define clear objectives before introducing a social intranet and to carefully consider which functions are really necessary. Careful selection of the right system and strategic planning are crucial to ensure the long-term success of the project.

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