IDENTsmart is first Polario partner

IDENTsmart becomes part of the Polario Universe! State-of-the-art working time recording and employee communication in one product in the future.

IDENTsmart becomes the first Marketplace Partner in the Polario universe. The leading provider in the field of digital browser and / or terminal-based working time recording and plazz AG are working together on the topic of working time recording. As one of the first companies, IDENTsmart GmbH and plazz AG are thus linking the world of time recording and employee communication.

The central idea is to extend Polario to provide more functionality to existing customers and new customers. This means that systems successful on the market can be integrated directly into Polario. Die plazz AG bleibt Ansprechpartner für Kunden in Sachen Support und Abrechnung. What is special about the cooperation with IDENTsmart is that IDENTsmart’s hardware know-how has also been incorporated. With the ID800 terminal, employees without their own PC can easily interact with the time and attendance system. Polario is thus opening up further to companies for which digitization was previously only possible with difficulty. Since, for example, no smartphone or laptop can be used at the workplace.

Functions of the IDENTsmart time recording system

The time recording solution from IDENTsmart extends Polario with a function that is currently gaining in importance in the HR environment – time recording. Recording the working hours of employees in companies has been common practice in companies of all sizes for many decades. Today, the recording methods are more versatile than ever, as is the abundance of possible working time models with individual rules for core, capping and break times. Before Corona, the recording of coming and going times via permanently installed terminals in the building of a respective company, via Excel lists or handwritten records was the rule. However, as more and more activities, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises and craft businesses, take place not only in the office but outside (e.g. at the customer’s) or in the home office, more flexible solutions have established themselves on the market – such as the cloud-based solution from IDENTsmart.

For information about IDENTsmart’s time recording system, visit the TimeRecording website or Identsmart’s YouTube channel. On the website you can also book a no-obligation and free online demo. If you would like to test the SaaS product at your company free of charge, a trial version is also available. In the future, existing customers will be able to extend their subscription and link it to Polario after consultation with the sales team.

Find out how the collaboration came about and why the integration of the two systems represents an innovation on the HR market in this interview with IDENTsmart CEO Robert Schneider.

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