Climate neutral events and communities with Polario

Learn how your company can contribute to climate protection with digital and climate-neutral events and communities.

As a technology partner of ClimatePartner and participant of the “Climate Action Summit“, it is an important concern for plazz AG to pay attention to the CO2 footprint of our products and operations. That is why we are particularly proud to contribute with our products to climate-neutral events and more efficient employee communication.

We also want to provide our customers with information and suggestions on how they can further develop their events and communities in the direction of climate neutrality. A positive C02 balance is not only another way to market an event, for example, but could soon prove to be an important reason for deciding on events. If already “climate neutral” certified companies are to participate.

Climate-neutral hybrid “boutique” events

The focus besides C02 reduction is on a small highly involved group of participants on site and a large number of viewers who follow the event via a digital platform. Thus, a high-quality experience can be offered to the participants on site.

The overall C02 footprint can still be kept small, however, as most participants can follow the event remotely. This not only eliminates the emissions that would have been generated by the journey, but also a large part of the costs. This allows organizers to choose more exclusive, smaller and local event venues and meeting places for an event. In doing so, local venues often allow for more personalized experiences for attendees and more effective networking. => Putting Quality Before Quantity

Especially because of the smaller number of participants on-site, it is important to use multiplier effects and word of mouth. For example, speakers and organizers should make a community solution and documents available after the event. In this way, participants can share their contacts and experiences with others and generate interest in future events. In short, hybrid events make it possible to address a large group of interested parties via digital platforms while still making the best possible use of the positive effects of personal contact.

Innovative ideas for reducing emissions the easy way

With the increasing digitalization of communication, it is also possible to create an almost paperless event. Which thus helps to avoid a large amount of paper waste. Even though some of the emissions have little direct influence on the event organizer, there are some simple steps you can realize to emphasize an event’s climate-friendly credentials. This allows the catering to be changed to vegetarian and vegan options, or even pure vegan options. Furthermore, the beverage selection can be influenced by the organizer and, for example, climate-neutral and additionally socially committed water from Viva con Agua can be chosen.

You can also emphasize the sustainability of an event by giving the guests some of the event equipment as a gift. For example, at sporting events, part of the playing field, such as the sand of a volleyball court, can be used as a memento. If all options for reducing and avoiding emissions have been exhausted, the remaining emissions can be offset by supporting a certified carbon offset project from the ClimatePartner portfolio

Technology partner

If you have decided to make your events or communities climate neutral using a digital platform, it is of course important to know that the technology partner is also acting sustainably. That’s why we at plazz are working to become climate neutral as a company in the community and digital sector. And that soon also confirmed by ClimatePartner!

Why not test a plazz product to help your company make a contribution to climate protection?

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