plazz AG again TISAX certified

We have once again passed the TISAX certification and thus guarantee the highest standards of data protection and information security.

plazz AG has again successfully passed the TISAX certification by TÜV Nord on March 21, 2024 according to Assessment Level 2 (high protection requirements).

The term TISAX refers to a standard for data protection and information security in the automotive industry. Since 2017, the Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) test procedure has been a product of ENX, which was founded in 2000 by the VDA as the leading European association of the automotive industry.

This certification is valid for all companies affiliated to the VDA. The focus is currently on the automotive industry, but is also set to be extended to sectors such as the pharmaceutical industry and the financial sector.

With the TISAX certification, we have now provided proof of the very high level of data protection and information security in accordance with VDA 5.1, with which we process and store our customers’ data and our internal information assets. We keep a constant eye on the ongoing development of these protection goals through our management assessment and thus enjoy the trust of our long-standing customer relationships and partnerships.

Information on the TISAX test result is available in the ENX portal:

Scope ID: SMK8FZ
Assessment ID: ANMTMC-2
Retrieve the results via:

Note: TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for the general public.

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