The plazz AG Hiking Day in the Thuringian Forest

For the plazz AG Hiking Day, we went together to the Thuringian Forest, followed by an impulse lecture by MP3 inventor Prof. Dr. Brandenburg.

The hiking boots were laced up for the plazz AG team event! The staff of plazz AG went hiking in the Thuringian Forest. The destination was the Hotel Gabelbach, where MP3 inventor and plazz AG shareholder Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg gave a keynote speech. But everything from the beginning.

Start of the plazz AG hiking day

The plazz AG hiking day started at the Erfurt office. Together they went to the bus station, from where the staff took the bus to Ilmenau. Once seated on the bus, there was a short round of introductions of the new employees. After a 45-minute drive, the plazz AG team arrived in Ilmenau. Time for a group picture!

The way is the goal!

With fully packed backpacks and a handcart, plazz AG set off for the Hotel Gabelbach. Early on, a leading group emerged, which marched ahead even in summery 27 degrees Celsius. However, the leading group was forced to make the first stop. The handcart collapsed, subsequently requiring several hands to pull it. Here the team spirit of plazz AG showed!

Arrived at Hotel Gabelbach

After a one-hour hike, plazz AG arrived at Hotel Gabelbach. Everyone was able to acclimatize on the green outdoor area. However, things got heated up again. Ambition was awakened during a big round of UNO on the lawn. Before the positive mood of the plazz AG walking day tipped over due to the game, everyone was invited for a coffee and cake round. Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg was one of the participants. The inventor of theMP3 format, thus one of the most important names in the audio industry, and plazz AG shareholder gave a keynote speech about innovations, the development of the MP3 format and his latest project “PARty”. PARty is the acoustic counterpart to virtual reality. It is designed to give the listener a perfect auditory illusion and to function as an acoustic magnifier or filter. To this end, Prof. Dr. Brandenburg is receiving support from plazz AG as part of a government-funded research project.

The large Hermannstein on the Goethe Hiking Trail

After the small refreshment and the exciting and interesting impulse of Prof. Dr. Brandenburg the plazz AG hiking day continued. This time the destination was the large Hermannstein on the Goethe Hiking Trail. During this hike, Prof. Dr. Brandenburg’s topics were again processed and discussed. Of course, private things were also discussed. Arrived at Hermannstein, the great view was enjoyed.

Conclusion of the plazz AG Hiking Day

Returning from the big Hermannstein at the hotel, the plazz AG ended the evening with a joint dinner. Afterwards we went by bus back to Erfurt.

It was an all-around successful plazz AG hiking day, which had also made some sweat. In a relaxed environment there was a lot of talking, a lot of laughing and fun for everyone, so that the “we” feeling could be strengthened. It was a welcome change from the daily work.

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