Polario Update 3.7

Polario 3.7 Update: Integrated audio player, automatic news archiving and analytics dashboard for a better user experience!

With the new update to version 3.7, Polario brings many exciting features that will significantly improve your user experience. From an integrated audio player and automatic news archiving to a comprehensive analytics dashboard – these updates offer you new ways to manage your content more efficiently and understand your users even better. Discover how these improvements can make your work easier and delight your app users!

Integrated audio player

Version 3.7 adds an exciting new function to Polario: the Audio Player. You now have the option of uploading audio files directly to the content management system (CMS), integrating them into a file widget and making them available to your app users for playback. Whether a single file or several, the audio player will play your content optimally.

The audio player displayed in the apps is equipped with all the usual functions and allows you to continue navigating in the app while the player remains in the foreground as a mini-player. This function opens up many new application possibilities, for example for the integration of podcasts. Discover the many possibilities and enrich your content with exciting audio experiences!

Automatic archiving of messages

Another helpful new feature is the option of automatically archiving news in the CMS at a specific point in time. With this function, you can ensure that outdated news is no longer displayed and that your news section always remains up-to-date. This saves time and ensures a better overview of your content. Use this practical function to make your message management even more efficient!

Analytics Dashboard

Another major topic is the expansion of analytics. The apps now respond to many different clicks and impressions. There is one analytics dashboard per project in the CMS with the following widgets:

  • Currently online (in the last 15 minutes)
  • Opening rate
  • Tracking of user data (activated)
  • Social interactions (activated)
  • Project accounts (activation rate, total number, project entered, inactive)
  • Active in the last 30 days
  • Active in the last 7 days
  • Active in the last 24 hours
  • Number of active accounts
  • Number of app views
  • News and pages views

With these new analytics functions, you can analyze the use of your app in detail and better understand what resonates with your users. This enables you to tailor your content and functions even more specifically to the needs of your users.

Bug fixes & improvements

  • Manage audio files in media library
  • Adjustment document widget for audio files
  • Schedule archive news
  • Analytics // Project settings rework
  • closing the dropdown in group list is closing the groups model on setting access rights to news/pages
  • Wording fix for document element in pages/news
  • Directory // changes in the data fields can’t be saved
  • Push notifications sidebar can’t handle form groups
  • Calendar Detail // View buggy if result for index search is empty
  • Redesign of tags and keywords
  • Redesign of menu footer
  • Adjusted and alignend corner radii styles
  • Pre-selected filters are generic
  • Sentry development environment is used for development builds
  • Filter not updated when filter criteria changed while presenting the filter scene
  • Maps not visible as linked objects and in search results
  • Directory entries are sorted randomly due to a lack of sufficient sort criteria
  • Onboarding widgets are missing on social feed
  • Textfield responders are missing to hide the keybord
  • Push option in chat channels not reflect ‘default’ state correctly
  • Directory items are randomly swapped
  • Fix progress bar in AudioPip
  • Error message for news mail
  • Sendbird // Guard SendbirdChat calls
  • Fix padding between locations in calendar entry detail
  • Change color of system notifications label
  • Design Adjustment Single File Widget & Media Folder Widget
  • Adjustment directory Properties
  • Tag visual design changes
  • Adjust UI when limit of ‘all’ mentions is reached on creating a post
  • Display text line completely in directory detail
  • Allow icon for every directory content-field item
  • Display icons for directory content-field items in text-primary
  • Change localization keys for empty chat/channel states
  • Visual design changes for keyword items
  • Select global tab as default in notification center once currentProjectId is null
  • Display notification title complete once notification is expanded
  • Adjustments for information card for machine-translated texts
  • Distinguishing the Sentry dsn url between development and production
  • Don’t show document-item at all if there is no reference to it
  • Adjust calendar entry divider visibility
  • Adjust directory entry items headline visibility
  • Add users to private created channels
  • Update profile image after upload
  • Tag name not clickable
  • Fix directory sorting
  • Fix HTTP vapid/public error when browser push is enabled and user not logged in
  • Show feed information only if user joined current feed
  • Fix not able to open calendar detail
  • Fix projectId for calendar widget in admin area
  • Fix for not displayed comments on news/pages
  • Map linked list should only show future events
  • Open link button not displaying in Map-Marker detail when link should open as webview
  • Map-Marker type not updating correctly
  • Notification bubble also showing for feed and calendar-chat messages
  • Admin-Area not accessible with correct project permissions
  • Sort all member lists in chats/channels in lowercase
  • Hide “More Feeds” headline in feed list if there aren’t unjoined feeds
  • Fix admin area list sorting
  • Fix for audio-item on pages/news
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